shoobbang: baking calc, recipe

by gorokeya

Food & Drink


An easy and convenient baking calculator.Ill be there with Shoobbang in the moment of baking happiness![Create recipe]Save your own recipe!You can enter recipe names, explanations, ingredients, and notesThe contents entered on various calculator pages are alsoIt can be saved in any way you want (before/after ratio change)![Ingredients management]Take care of your baking ingredients easily!You can enter all the information about the ingredients from the expiration date calculation[Import the recipe and ingredients]Recipes that were cumbersome to enter one by one, various ingredients!You can retrieve the recipes and ingredients I saved from the calculator page and use them[Sharing the recipe file]Share the recipes you recorded on Shoo Bread with each other!The ability to share and import recipe filesYou can share recipes freely[Ingredient Ratio Calculator]Have you ever had more or less ingredients than the original recipe?When you want to double the amount of ingredientsor adjust the quantity by a desired percentage, try using the ingredient ratio calculator.[Unit price calculator]Do you feel complicated to calculate the dessert unit price?Ill reduce the complexity and time of the unit price calculation processThe individual unit price of the material through the unit price calculator orCalculate the unit price of all the ingredients.[Baking pan Calculator]Have you ever thought about the difference between the mold and the recipe mold I have?If you use the baking mold change calculatorI can know the amount of ingredients that fit my mold.[Bakers Percentage Calculator]Was it cumbersome to calculate the proportions using Excel?With the bakers percentage calculator,you can easily and conveniently calculate the ratios of different ingredients based on flour.